By websitebuilder
March 9, 2020
The Environmental Protection Agency released a draft multi-sector general permit for Stormwater Discharges associated with industrial activity (MSGP). The proposed permit, issued under the Clean Water Act of 1972 ( 33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq.) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) will replace the existing MSGP that expires on June 4, 2020. The renewed permit affects facilities in states and areas where the EPA is the NPDES permitting authority (Idaho, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Mexico, tribal lands, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, and most U.S. territories and protectorates). For those state agencies that have been delegated the authority to issue NPDES permits, the renewed permit will be used as a template that delineates the stormwater management practices and monitoring standards for thousands of industrial facilities. Brief History The first use of this Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for managing industrial stormwater began in 1995, with renewals required every five years. EPA used the novel approach of issuing a blanket permit in an attempt to balance protection of the environment and provisions of the Clean Water Act without the burden of issuing thousands of individual permits to each industrial site. The provisions of permit are organized by industrial sector, broken down by the facility’s standard Industrial code (SIC). Incorporating the Recommendations of the National Academies of Sciences The draft permit incorporates many of the recommendations made by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) . (See our previous blog on the report). The NASEM report calls for the EPA to utilize the best available science, relevant recent data, and technological advances to improve management of storm water from industrial sources. In addition to clarifications, simplifications, and streamlining to accommodate more electronic information submittals, the EPA reviewed and accepted many of the recommendations made by NSEM: EPA will establish “universal benchmark monitoring,” industry-wide monitoring parameters that include pH, total suspended solids (TSS), and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The NASEM report suggests these as “basic indicators of the effectiveness of stormwater control measures (SCMs) employed on site” for permit holders. These parameters would indicate potential issues of poor site management or improper implementation of SCM’s. EPA considered the NASEM recommendation to “periodically review and update sector-specific benchmark monitoring requirements” to incorporate new information that could also reflect industry sector-wide practices. The proposed permit requires that additional sectors conduct benchmark monitoring. NASEM recommended benchmark thresholds based on the latest toxicity criteria designed to protect aquatic ecosystems. EPA modified the benchmark threshold for cadmium, removed the thresholds for magnesium and iron, and is considering modification of benchmark thresholds for selenium, arsenic, and copper. (The EPA is seeking comments on modifications to selenium, arsenic, and copper thresholds.) NASEM recommended that the EPA allow and promote the use of composite sampling. The permit clarifies that composite sampling is acceptable for benchmark monitoring. NASEM recommended removing the waiver for a permittee to discontinue monitoring for the remainder of the permit term if four consecutive quarters of sampling data show parameters below the benchmark. The permit now requires quarterly sampling throughout the permit term. Benchmark monitoring will now be required for three additional sectors recommended by NASEM: Oil and Gas Extraction sector for ammonia, nickel, total recoverable lead, nitrate-nitrogen, total recoverable zinc, and hardness in addition to the universal benchmark parameters. Land Transportation and Warehousing sector for lead, mercury, and hardness in addition to the universal benchmark parameters. Ship and Boat Building and Repair Yards for total recoverable chromium, total recoverable copper, total recoverable lead, total recoverable nickel, total recoverable zinc, and hardness in addition to the universal benchmark parameters. EPA is also soliciting comments on whether to allow for a tiered monitoring scheme that includes an “inspection only” option for “low risk” facilities. Benchmark monitoring would not be required but EPA is considering a rigorous inspection protocol. The NASEM report made some substantive recommendations that the EPA decided not to accept: EPA declined to accept the NASEM recommendation to include nonindustrial facilities with activities similar to those currently required under the MSGP after reviewing the sectors already covered by the permit and by the discretion granted to the Director to add any facility discharging industrial stormwater. The EPA declined to implement the recommendation to collect monitoring data and establish new numerical effluent limitations on the performance of stormwater control measures, citing the paucity of rigorous industrial performance data and technical limitations. However, EPA requests comments on viable alternative approaches for characterizing discharges, quantifying pollutant concentrations, and assessing the effectiveness of stormwater control measures. The EPA reviewed its existing guidance on how to conduct visual and analytical monitoring and determined that updating and strengthening monitoring, sampling, and analysis protocols, as recommended by NASEM, was not necessary. Next Steps The draft permit was published in the Federal Register on March 2, 2020 Comments will be accepted until May 1, 2020. The EPA will consider the comments, make changes to the final permit, and are expected to issue the final permit shortly after. We can expect that the states using the federal permit as a template will be making modifications to the state counterparts as the permits come up for renewal.